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Discover the 3 Core Differences Between Microgreens & Cress

By :Tomás Cusicanqui 0 comments
Discover the 3 Core Differences Between Microgreens & Cress

Everyday there seems to be another health and environmentally conscious person confused between a cress and microgreens in the Netherlands. People seemed to be misinformed, especially if you grew up here.

Part of the reason has to do with early European settlers in the 18th century introducing 2 types of cress as their main ingredient in salads: Watercress & Gardencress (Tuinkers). This started in the 18th century in England and the Netherlands. As you know, tradition is very difficult to change, coupled with a food industry that has not corrected itself but rather  misrepresents the term ‘Cress’ as a microgreens.

Case in point, Koppert Cress is a well known traditional exporter of miniature vegetables, herbs, and sea plants. They started back in the 1980s but now have expanded to become a high-end microgreen company that benefits from continuing business as usual as the largest producer and exporter of microgreens in the region. Moreover, you can see their stubborn misuse of the term ‘cress’ from their product listing: LINK. To further confuse the consumer they also grow their own Garden Cress: LINK

Third, the inability for culture to encourage individuals to question assumptions and to challenge conventional wisdom is lacking. Although the Dutch are a highly educated population, there seems to be a lack of challenge to the status quo, especially when your paycheck depends on it. In other words, we need to check in with our perceptions and habits to realize this. 

That is why I highly recommend the Law of First Principles. You might have heard of highly successful people using it, such as Elon Musk. In essence, the Law of First Principles encourages individuals to question assumptions, challenge conventional wisdom, and approach problems with fresh perspectives. Rather than relying solely on existing knowledge or precedent, it emphasizes the importance of independent and critical thinking to arrive at original insights or solutions.

This approach often involves deconstructing complex ideas or problems into their simplest components and then reconstructing them based on fundamental principles. By doing so, it allows for greater understanding, creativity, and innovation, as individuals are not bound by preconceived notions or limitations.

In summary, the Law of First Principles promotes a methodical and analytical approach to problem-solving, prioritizing the exploration of foundational truths and the pursuit of original solutions. It serves as a guiding principle for fostering innovation, creativity, and intellectual rigor in various fields of inquiry.

Cress: A Type of Microgreen

You should know that cress is a type of microgreen. For that reason, you should remember that a microgreen is by definition the state of the plant when the first two-leaf (cotyledon stage).This stage typically occurs after the seed has sprouted and the seedling has been exposed to sunlight or artificial grow lights. At this early stage, microgreens are renowned for their concentrated nutrition and vibrant flavors, making them a popular choice among health-conscious consumers.

I have of course grown cress but only for demonstration purposes. It's literally the only microgreen you can find in the shops in NL.

Cress is scientifically known as Lepidium sativum, which belongs to the mustard family, also referred to as the Cruciferae family. The term "Cruciferae" is derived from the Latin word for cross, reflecting the characteristic cross-shaped flowers of cruciferous vegetables. This botanical family encompasses a wide range of plants, including both weeds and crop plants cultivated for consumption. Among them, garden cress, or peppergrass, stands out as one of the most commonly grown varieties.

Throughout history, cress have played a prominent role as one of the earliest leafy greens consumed by humans. Ancient civilizations such as the Romans and Egyptians recognized the health benefits and culinary versatility of cress, particularly watercress. Incorporating it into their diets, these cultures appreciated its nutritional richness and potential medicinal properties, solidifying its status as a dietary staple in various regions.

Garden cress emerges as an exceptionally easy plant to cultivate, making it accessible even to novice gardeners. Requiring minimal specific soil conditions, cress can thrive in various environments and climates. Moreover, its rapid growth cycle means that it can be ready for harvest within a few weeks of planting, providing a quick and convenient source of fresh greens for home growers and commercial producers alike.


The essence of this article revolves around contrasting approaches to business within the microgreens industry. While aligning with established players like Koppert Cress may seem easier, Eat Your Microgreens has chosen a path of independence and integrity. They emphasize their commitment to challenging the status quo and promoting transparency by calling out perceived shortcomings in the industry, particularly regarding accessibility to healthy microgreens and sustainability efforts in the face of climate change (in NL microgreens are only sold at Restaurant Giant Supermarkets where you need to have a business license to shop). 

EYM prides itself on its revolutionary approach to decentralizing the microgreens market, despite operating with significantly fewer resources and funding compared to industry giants like Koppert Cress. By focusing on empowering individuals to grow their own microgreens in a sustainable manner, EYM aims to democratize access to nutritious greens and contribute to building a more resilient food system. We invite readers to explore our latest products on our new website, highlighting their dedication to innovation and community engagement.

Central to EYM's mission is the belief that empowering individuals to grow their own microgreens fosters a new generation of changemakers committed to sustainable food systems. By expanding beyond traditional offerings like garden cress and advocating for highly nutritious, organic greens, EYM seeks to inspire a shift towards plant-based diets that benefit both people and the planet. 

This vision is encapsulated in the integration of the concept and business name into "EAT YOUR MICROGREENS," symbolizing a call to action for individuals to embrace healthier, more sustainable dietary choices.

Overall, the article underscores EYM's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community empowerment within the microgreens industry, positioning them as leaders in driving positive change towards a healthier and more sustainable future.

#microgreens #cress #microgroenten #foodlabelling #eu


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